experimental social psychology中文什么意思

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  1. Advance in research on social dilemmas : evidence from experimental social psychology
  2. " we underestimate our ability to survive heartbreak , " said eli finkel , an assistant professor of psychology at northwestern university , whose study appears online in the journal of experimental social psychology
    西北大学的心理学副教授埃里?芬克尔说: “我们低估了自己承受失恋痛苦的能力。 ”该研究结果在《实验社会心理学期刊》的网站上公布。
  3. " previous studies have shown that mimicry enhances positive feelings for the mimicker , " wrote rick van baaren , a social psychology professor at the university of nikmegen in the netherlands , in a recent study in the journal of experimental social psychology
    荷兰nikmegen大学的社会心理学教授里克范巴伦在实验社会心理学杂志上最近发表的一项研究中写到: “以前的研究已经表明模仿能够增加人们对模仿者的好感。
  4. Psychologist bruce bartholow , the lead researcher of the study which will be published in full in the journal of experimental social psychology later this year , said : " as far as i ' m aware , this is the first study to show that exposure to violent games has effects on the brain that predict aggressive behaviour
    这项研究的领头人心理学家布鲁斯巴索洛说: "据我了解,这项研究首次揭示玩暴力游戏会对预知进攻行为的脑部组织产生影响。 "研究报告全文将于今年晚些时候在实验社会心理学杂志上发表。


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